6 Sunday Habits To Prepare You For The Week Ahead.

Sunday habits to prepare you for the week ahead

If you are anything like me you will spend most of Sunday worrying about all the things you need to do in the week ahead rather than relaxing and enjoying your Sunday. Sunday is the perfect day to schedule and reset.  With that in mind, here are a few Sunday habits to help you prep for a new week with less stress.

Write a to-do list for the week

Think about what you have to do next week. Don’t worry about prioritising, just write. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with everything you need to do, this will give you a clear vision and prepare you for what’s to come. After you do that, you can start prioritising.

Write down a schedule

After you write your to-do list, write down your schedule, appointments, meetings and other things. This will make you feel more prepared to handle what’s to come. And aside from scheduling things you “have” to do, don’t forget to make room for fun things or even self-care activities, as well.

Give meal prep a go

Do you ever get home from a long day at work and struggle to decide what you’re making for dinner? Or maybe you actually decided but soon realised there’s a key ingredient missing. 

Meal prepping will save you a lot of time and stress. Whether that is simply thinking about the meals you’re having in the upcoming week, or taking a step further and actually preparing things in advance.

Plan your outfits for the week

This is not only a habit to keep on Sundays but every day of the week. Planning what you’re going to wear in the upcoming week or just in the next day will save you a lot of time and worries in the morning. Plus, can you say no to those extra minutes in bed?

Make time for self care

Sunday is the perfect day to schedule in some time for yourself and reset for the week. This can range from applying a face mask and doing your nails, enjoying your favourite book or simply snuggling up on the couch to binge-watch your favourite TV show 

Taking time for self-care will help you feel energised for the week ahead.

Go to bed early

Turn off your electronics and unwind with a good book. It’s important to have a good night of sleep so you can have enough energy to tackle the week ahead. Reading before bed is super relaxing.

I hope these Sunday habits help you feel at least a little less anxious to face Monday. Next Sunday, instead of focusing on what’s to come, enjoy your weekend mindfully and take time to do the things you love.