James D’Silva created a single versatile, multi-functional device: the Garuda Apparatus.
Traditional exercise machines are very restricted in what they can do, so James worked closely with engineers to create a single hybrid exercise device with almost limitless possibilities. With its large split platform, chair attachment increased range of movement within the framework and adjustability of the pulleys, ropes, stability sling, bars and straps, it takes exercise, body conditioning and rehabilitation to another level.
Garuda draws deeply on mental focus whilst teaching us the essential conversation between strength and relaxation in movement. The combination of exercises are limitless and can be uniquely customised to suit all demographics.
Classes on the apparatus are designed to be challenging and fun and range from beginner / intermediate to advanced. The result is a stronger, leaner, pain free body with renewed focus of the mind.
Garuda Tara (sling) is an integral aspect of the Garuda Apparatus. It supports and tractions us, while teaching us to lean into the space around us and getting us to lift out of our joints. Garuda Tara is designed to strengthen, stabilise and challenge you.